
girl band

Because girls are frequent subject in their songs and simply GIRL sounds good.

Following their series of sold out concerts in Montéal, the band enters the studio in Spring 2009 self produce and record their first EP.  Result?  5 songs that will stay in your head fovever, unmatched technique, incredibly crafted pop rock hymns. One of their songs: Woo Woo sums up what we want to yell throughout the entire listen.  Unsurprisingly, GIRL sold out the Sala Rossa on June 1 2009 for the launch of their EP, and set the tone for their future concerts where their fans can’t seem to get enough.  GIRL is currently working on their upcoming full length, an indicator of more big things on the horizon.  GIRL, music for you, girl.  And also for you, boy.


Olivier Larouche on Drums
Louis Lupien on Guitar
Félix Roy on Vocals
Maxime St-Jean on Bass